
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas & Happy New Year

It's almost the new year.  Year B in the Catholic Church starts this weekend and so does Advent.  As Advent nears my thoughts turn to Christmas.  This year is looking to be an interesting Christmas.  The news is full of stories about people cutting back and spending less on Christmas presents.  Our family will be one of those spending less.  As I ponder this I am getting excited - excited in a good way.  With fewer presents in the way the true meaning of Christmas will be more apparent - the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I think that this may be our most joyous Christmas yet.

But I got to thinking about a friend of mind in Colorado.  This friend was not Christian.  In fact, I think he was an atheist if I remember correctly (and I often don't).  He celebrated Christmas with his family.  I asked him why since I new he would not be celebration the birth of Jesus.  He said it was a holiday to give and receive presents.  I didn't understand it then and I still don't.  But thinking of him I got a little bit sad.  For him this year with a lessening of presents the Holy day won't be a celebration but just another day off of work.  That just makes me sad for him.

So, I believe that if you focus on the meaning of the holiday and celbrate the birth of our Salvation this year that you can possibly have the best Christmas ever.  If you lose track of Jesus and reduce it to gift exchanging then it looks to be one of the worst.  Let's all look to Jesus to guide us, soften our hearts, and celebrate our inheritance of the Kingdom.  And of course, pray for those who will be struggling.

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