
Saturday, December 13, 2008

No Rocket Launch Today

"Due to sustained high winds on the lake bed, we have decided to CANCEL today's launch.  We apologize for the late notice, but we had been hoping that conditions on the lake bed would be better.

The next launch will be in January."

So said the official e-mail at 7:40 AM.  Of course, we were on the lake bed for an hour at that point.  We saw what they call rockets and they're not kits from Estes.  There was one that was so big, even in half it wouldn't fit in the bed of the pickup but had to hang over.  It was fiberglass coated, 10ish inches in diameter and I'm guessing over 12' tall.

We pick up two really small tumble recovery rockets from the vendor that was there and picked up our badges that are good for all of next year.  Time to build more model rockets and fly in our imagination.

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