
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky calls free speech "Despicable' and "Shameful"

I read with interest Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's press release on the tax day "Tea Parties".  The tagline on her press release was, "Schakowsky Calls Parties "Despicable' and "Shameful"".

I myself don't see how the tea parties were going to create change but they did create some publicity.  I did see them as events of Constitionally protected free speech. It seems that the exercise of this free speech, however, offends Rep. Schakowsky. It would appear that any disagreement with President Obama's policies are promoted by right-wing republicans and corporate interests and that paying income taxes are a significant, honorable moment of American history.

I disagree with most of President Obummer's policies.  He is leading us into socialism and away from what made this country great.  I didn't support President Bush either.  We have been on the wrong track for a while but we're picking up speed in the wrong direction.

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