
Monday, May 09, 2005

U.S. Mint Gears Up To Issue Commemorative County Pennies

You know, sometimes The Onion is down right rude, offensive, and obscene but every once in a while they generate a news article that I think is absolutely hillarious. Imagine that, County Pennies instead of State Quarters. At 5 a year they estimate a run of 639 years for 3,143 counties. This is multi-generational collecting at it's finest. Something else I hadn't thought about:
"But after the lesson of the New Hampshire quarter, I'm not too comfortable putting a natural rock formation on our penny. Luckily, we have another 438 years to decide on a symbol that accurately conveys the spirit of Richland County."
I hadn't thought about what the collapse of the "Old Man of the Mountain" would mean to the New Hampshire quarters. Funny, I thought that would last forever. My parents talk of seeing it on their honeymoon. It was kind of an icon for us even though I don't remember seeing it personally.

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