
Monday, January 19, 2009

My Father-In-Law, Dan

I'm sitting here continuing to reflect on the day, the weekend, and the week.  I was doing this all the way home on the plane from Dallas and I'm not done yet.  I suspect I may lie awake in bed for a while tonight continuing to think, ponder, and pray.

Let me bring you up to speed.  On Tuesday I got a phone call from my Mother-in-Law, Linda (aka Nana).  Dan was struggling and having some problems.  Talking to the doctor she pushed for an answer and was told that the doctor was guessing that Dan only had 2 to 4 weeks to live given his current rate of decline.  A. and I had some discussions and the decision was made that we would all fly down to visit - G. and I for the weekend, A. for the duration - however long that was.  We all went down on Friday with G. and I coming back today.

Dan is on some serious pain killers and spends a lot of time sleeping.  He has periods of great lucidity and periods where he doesn't want to communicate.  His mornings are much better than evenings.  We watched the Steelers/Ravens game together yesterday.  He was happy that the Steelers were going to the Superbowl and disappointed that his beloved Cowboys were out.  He's rooting for the Steelers in two weeks.

Today I went shopping out at Costco.  I enjoyed a hot dog for him.  Over the years of visiting him he always made sure that I understood it was right and proper to enjoy a hot dog on the weekend.  I've been trying to have a hot dog out every weekend for a few years and every time I do I think of him.  I guess that this is a habit that I will pass on to others with stories about Dan.

I had to say goodbye to him this afternoon to get to the airport to come home.  It was a very hard goodbye for me realizing that it was, in all likely hood, my last time to see him alive.  I am already missing the father of my bride.  I can see that it is his time and it was remarkable seeing how death comes to us.  His appetite is getting weak.  He is still drinking lots of water but the nurse says that will be stopping as well.  He is in bed and won't be getting up again as he continues to get weaker and needs others to take care of his needs.  I recommend Tuesdays with Morrie for a better description of what is happening to Dan.

So for a short time I've loaned my wife back to her father so that she can help nurse him and take care of him.  I miss her as well but, God Willing, I will get her back soon after she has had the opportunity to say her goodbyes.

I love you Dan.  God speed.  Please put in a good word with the Lord for me when you get there.  You will missed, but not forgotten.  May God Bless you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

FOCA Novena

I received this e-mail and wanted to pass it along to all of you.  I am participating in this Novena.

If you are opposed to abortion then there is bad news on the horizon.  For those of you who do not know, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is set to be signed if congress passes it on January 21-22 of 2009.  FOCA would essentially remove all restrictions on abortion, including moral objections by health care providers.

The Plan:

To say a novena, 9 days of prayer, along with fasting starting on January 11th. For Catholics, the prayer of choice will be the Rosary with intentions to stop the FOCA.  For non Catholics I encourage you to pray your strongest prayers with the same intentions, also for nine consecutive days.  The hope is that this will branch and blossom as to become a global effort with maximum impact.  We have very little time so we all must act fast.  Just do three things:

  1. Pass this letter to 5 or more people
  2. Do it in three days or less
  3. Start the novena on January 11th and pray for nine consecutive days.

(please also fast for at least two days during the novena)

Remember that with God all things are possible and the power of prayer is undeniable.  The time is now to do something to save the unborn!

May God bless you all!!

"We cannot fight credibly against other social and moral evils, including poverty and violence, while we tolerate mass killings by abortion."
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Friday, January 09, 2009

Government Plans to Overhaul Healthcare

The New York Times is reporting that Tom Daschle is preparing to have the government overhaul the US Healthcare system.  Tom is saying that the deepening recession is going to create more uninsured and that many uninsured people face financial bankruptcy when they get sick.  I agree with Tom that these are serious issues.  Very serious.  But I'm more scared of Tom and his plans.

Everytime the government says that they want to help me and make my life better they make my life worse.  They "reformed" campaign finances and the political ads got worse and I was told it was illegal for me to exercise my right to free speech.  I smell universal health care in the wind.  Those with no insurance will get some.  We will all have long waits.  And the US taxpayer will be paying for everyone's health care.  We need change.  Let's put doctors back in charge of their patients, reduce malpractive lawsuits, and get the government OUT of healthcare.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Poll: When will you take down your Christmas decorations?

The poll, "When will you take down your Christmas decorations?" is now closed.  There was only one registerd vote (mine) and the results are:

They're already down:  0%
New Year's Day:  0%
The first weekend of the new year:  0%
After Epiphany:  100% (yea me!)
I will leave them up for next year:  0%

Though Curtis did sneak a vote in via the comments for a split between the first weekend of the new year and after Epiphany.  Thanks Curtis.

Have a great day and may God Bless you!