
Monday, October 22, 2007

Laptop vs. Desktop Computers

I used to think that a good desktop computer was the way to go. They're cheaper, more powerful, more easily expanded if desired, and have way cooler peripherals. But I think I'm changing my mind and may start replacing my desktop PCs with laptops. The Santiago Canyon fire is close to us, very close. Close enough that we've packed the cars just in case. So, when you're preparing to evacuate what do you grab? The important papers, the jewelry, the pictures, the wedding album, and the really expensive stuff - at least until your car is full. But wait a second, the hard drive is full of pictures that were never printed and all sorts of important paperwork that never got backed up. What about that stuff? Well, I got most of the My Documents folders onto a portable hard drive but did I get everything? One computer was copying files for several hours and was only half done. We wound up disconnecting it and throwing it into the car as well. A laptop would've been so much easier. Couple that with a networked hard drive running regular backups and you got something that is a lot easier for the grab and go. Time to upgrade...

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