
Friday, January 09, 2009

Government Plans to Overhaul Healthcare

The New York Times is reporting that Tom Daschle is preparing to have the government overhaul the US Healthcare system.  Tom is saying that the deepening recession is going to create more uninsured and that many uninsured people face financial bankruptcy when they get sick.  I agree with Tom that these are serious issues.  Very serious.  But I'm more scared of Tom and his plans.

Everytime the government says that they want to help me and make my life better they make my life worse.  They "reformed" campaign finances and the political ads got worse and I was told it was illegal for me to exercise my right to free speech.  I smell universal health care in the wind.  Those with no insurance will get some.  We will all have long waits.  And the US taxpayer will be paying for everyone's health care.  We need change.  Let's put doctors back in charge of their patients, reduce malpractive lawsuits, and get the government OUT of healthcare.

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