
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Long New Year's this year

Are you ready for an extra long New Year's celebration this year?  There will be a leap second!  This extra second is inserted between the end of 2008 and the start 0f 2009.  The clock will reach 11:59 and 60 seconds and pause for an entire second before it reaches 12:00 and 00 seconds the following day.  That's right, 2008 will end and 2009 will start a second later.  We have a second out of time with no year attached.  It is a rogue second - we'll be in neither 2008 or 2009.

You can find the leap second news here:

What will you do with your leap second?  I plan on kissing my wife for that extra second.  That is, if I'm still awake.

Where will you be during your leap second?  At this point I'm planning on being home.

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