
Friday, April 01, 2005

$2.249 / Gallon!

I filled the gas tank at lunch:

25.345 gallons @ $2.249 / gallon = $57.00

A new record price for a fill-up. The scary part is that some are saying that this summer I'll be fondly looking back to now and thinking that these are the "good ol' days".

I gotta un-bury and dust off the motorcycle and get it going again to save a few bucks. Imagine G. arriving at school on the back of a motorcycle. Won't that be cool!

PS: Don't forget that Colorado has this "altitude penalty". My truck requires 87 octane (so sayeth the owner's manual from Ford) which in the rest of the country is "Regular". Here in Colorado 87 octane is the mid-grade because "Regular" is 85 octane.

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