
Friday, April 22, 2005

So, It's Earth Day Today

So what? I don't buy into the Global Warming myth. There still isn't any scientific evidence to support it. It seems to be a man made crisis to force the world's population into submission to a one world government.

I filled the tank in the Expy at lunch today. The pain doesn't seem to bother me as much this time as last time (Friday, April 01, 2005 - can't figure out how to create a link to that blog entry yet) even thought I think gas was up a penny (can't seem to find the receipt). Three weeks on a tank of gas isn't too bad. Of course, two wheelin' helped stretch that tank full out a bit.

So I was reading an article by David R. Francis (For the Christian Science Monitor) titled "The Age of Oil ends" and subtitled, "Fuel Drought Draws Near". I'd provide a link if I knew where it was on the 'net. Some snippets:

"Goodbye, cheap gasoline. The days of tooling around in automobiles with nary a thought of the cost are probably over.
That's because the world's oil production is rapidly apporaching its peak. At that point, the world will be faced with a steady decline in supply jist as demand for petroleum takes off in places such as China and India...
...In the past year, the number of experts seeing an imminent peak in world oil output has risen sharply. A dozen or so now see it coming by no later than 2012, says Mr. Meyer. If that happens, today's oil proce of $50 a barrel may seem cheap in the years ahead.
At its worst, rising oil prices could cause a world economic recession - not to mention lightening the pocketbooks of millions in the United States and elsewhere who rely on cars for daily transportation"

On the whole I can't argue with Mr. Francis. There is essentially a finite amount of oil in the earth though the peak of 2012 may be pessimistic. Of course I have no data but I hear "the sky is falling" way too often to believe it. But I do believe that when oil prices rise because the demand is up and the supply is down that we will hit a recession if not an outright depression. It is coming though I don't know when. My advice is to recession proof your life. Pay off your debts (including your mortgage) so that you don't owe anyone and you hav

1 comment:

xsive_guy said...

I wanted to add (and forgot) that gas prices going up isn't necessarily a bad thing. Rising prices will encourage folks to conserve gas and I do support conservation.